Chronicle: RuneScape Legends | Video Game Review

Chronicle: RuneScape Legends is a weird, but different taste/twist on the collection card game genre. It’s more of a placing your cards in strategic positions in which so can out smart your opponent. Instead of just battling your opponent hand after hand. They added chapters to the game (game consist of 5 chapters), after the 5th chapter if both heroes are left standing, they battle it out 1v1 style. The one with the most armor and weapon damage will most likely win.
Things to know; straight off the bat, the game had server issues once I opened the game. Bad start there. It seemed after I waited a few hours I could actually complete the tutorial. There isn’t a campaign, just multiplayer. You can battle against AI’s in which you can get practice at the game more. I noticed that the game uses the 24-hour format instead of the 12 hour format. Sadly in settings, there isn’t an option to change this. V-sync is turned on automatically once you open the game, be sure to turn that off. The UI does look like something out of ‘Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft’… kinda weird. Since it is a free to play game, the game does have micro-transactions to buy new cases to unlock more playing cards.
Note: When I was ‘practicing’ against an AI, the game did a hard crash to the desktop. Game is still buggy.
Me personally, I haven’t played RuneScape since I was like 13 years old. And now in 2016, I know nothing about the game. Some backstory or even some info to shed some light on why you are fighting… this info would have been useful.
What would be added to this game (If I had the power), I would add more animations to the characters on the battlefield. The animations are kinda iffy and lack luster. And lastly, a storyline… maybe?
Just because of the different taste/twist on the collection card game genre, I would recommend this game. I came off not liking it since it’s “another” card game, but this game seemed kinda fun once you get used to it.
My Review Score: 6/10