Cities: Skylines | Video Game Review

Cities: Skylines (I have the Steam version) is what SimCity should have been, but EA failed. So an Indie Team called “Colossal Order” took the City Builder genre in their hands and made it happen. Cities: Skylines has everything from sandboxes, custom made buildings/cars, and more. Best of all it’s moddable for those who like that kind of thing, you can have mods replace a certain vehicle, building or even plant. The mods go in-depth and make Cities: Skylines expand into a game that you can put countless hours into. As a plus side, you can sync your game saves to “Steam Cloud” (if you are using Steam) so you can have them on the go if you have different computers. From one minute you could be the cleanest city in the game, but in minutes you can have the dirtiest city in the world, have poop take over, flood everything and get people sick.
This is one of the best City Building games ever made, and you can spend countless hours building your own city, your own way. It’s like playing with LEGO’s but now, you are your own creator in building your own city. I think the best thing I learned about this game is that this game was made by 10(ish) people. Colossal Order proves that you don’t need 40 people working on the game, it might get the job done faster, but the game will be missing many features due to budget problems.
Here is my workshop collection of assets that I think improve the game:
My Review Score: 10/10