Clash Royale | Mobile Game Review
Clash Royale is shit, unbalanced, uninnovated and a pay 2 win mobile game.

I never reviewed a mobile game before but this info needs to be out there.
This isn’t by any means a new game, but people don’t understand how shit this game truly is.
Yes, the game can be addictive at times. But it’s completely unplayable.
- Pay 2 win. Completely garbage. You can literally reach a level/arena, stop playing and just buy chest(s) to get better cards.
- Game is unbalanced. If your level 7, you get put against a level 8 or 9 at times. This means buildings aren’t at the same health as yours and the possibility that you will verse someone with better/higher level cards is 9 out of 10.
- Game is uninnovated. Game lacks new features and new gamemodes. Why haven’t they?
In short, this game just lacks skill. And I really dislike that because it can truly be a great mobile game. But, Supercell of course, they turned on their ‘money whore’ brain and ruined the game.
How can the game improve?
- Create a 'Classic' gamemode where there are no magic cards and everyone has level 1 cards.
2. Implement 2v2 and 3v3 modes where you can team up with random players, with your clan or friends.
My Review Score: 4/10