Conan Exiles | (Early Access) Video Game Review

Platform: PC | Client/Service: Steam

3 min readFeb 3, 2017
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Note: I did get this game for free, getting the game for free doesn’t affect my review at all.

Conan Exiles; laggy, freezing, crashes and at the start it’s grindy to level up but it’s better than ARK. But it’s not recommended to buy at the moment. Best to be viewed/played by Content Creators.

Laggy, freezing and crashes? Servers can desync and creatures can glitch out by randomly teleporting while running. At times when leveling up or just roaming around, the game can freeze up making you an easy target for both AI, other players or creatures. Freezing can occur during random times when the servers get crazy. Randomly, when joining a server the game can have the possibility of crashing to the desktop.

FPS? While I was playing with the recommended ‘Auto’ video settings at the start, with a mixture of all High settings except for 2 Medium settings (General Shadows and Foliage Shadows) the game ran between 100+ FPS at the start, then when I went into more dense areas the FPS can drop down to 30 FPS. These video settings were being played on an i5–6600 and a GTX 950 FTW. I played in all Mediums settings except for Texture Detail (I put this to High) and it mostly ran the game in 30+ FPS in dense areas, outside of dense areas the FPS can go up to 70+.

Sadly, because how grindy the game is at the start. It’s a must to play with friends or else your going to get bored. Based on what I stated, it’s only recommended to buy if it’s on a sale since the game is in ‘Early Access’ and anything can change. But I don’t think it’s worth $30 or recommended to buy right now with all these bugs and glitches at the moment, which they can probably get fixed.

- In-depth character customization
- The graphics are beautiful when on High settings.
- You can host your own servers (public and private, plus manage in-depth server settings to make custom servers).
- Single player and co-op support
- Many weapons, armor and buildings you can build/construct. You need to earn certain levels and learn recipes in order to construct them (note: there is a con to this, read down below).
- When you level up, you can points, these points can be spent on upgrading health, stamina and more. This can also be reset, but I don’t know if it resets just your level or your attribute points like in Dark Souls (p.s. I don’t know if you lose all your attributes points as well if you reset).
- Uncapped FPS

- Keybinds tab is too confusing, it needs to be more organized. Split controller and keyboard. Both columns seem to have both controller/gamepad in the same column, this isn’t needed.
- When you get higher in levels and unlock recipes for these new weapons. Some of the weapons deal not enough damage for how long it took to get to that level.
- Vsync is automatically turned on.
- When you join a server than it states “Server Full,” you can’t press ‘Play Online’ anymore. This button won’t work/isn’t functional. You have to restart the game each time.
- You can’t favorite servers that are password protected. Maybe a bug?
- Refresh button doesn’t work at most times.
- You can’t view recently past joined servers.

My Review Score: 6/10

