Kerbal Space Program | Video Game Review

Kerbal Space Program (I have the Steam version) is a fun game to bring out the inner LEGO child in you and build a spaceship. What is your goal? Your goal is to get to the Moon, land on the moon, plant a flag and get back to earth. Within this time of building, you might cuss out the spaceship for losing fuel too fast or even cuss it out when it doesn’t go to the path you want it to go. Maybe even when you land on the moon, you completely ran out of fuel? Well, now it’s time for planning so that you can build a better spaceship, plan accordingly and save those Kerbals that you left on the moon so you can get them back to the launch station.
You can spend hours on this game and no matter the cause, you will actually have fun in this game.
Note: If you find it difficult. You can always download mods to help the spaceship fly better, get a better spaceship or even update the visuals if you want a better detailed galaxy.
My Review Score: 10/10